Thursday, 26 May 2011

Wish I was your blanket, I wish I was your bed, I wish I was your pillow underneath your head, I wanna be around u, I wanna hold u tight, & b the lucky person who kisses u good night.

As I lie awake in my bed. All sorts of thought run through my head, Like why do I love you as much as I do. Then I realise its because you are you!

Even though we are not together this Valentines Day but I'll be with you wherever you go. Love you always. You have opened the doors of my heart. Now it's for you to walk through it.

A special smile a special face. a special someone i cant replace. I luv u i always will. U have filled a space no one can fill!

If you truly love someone,
Then the only thing you want
For them is to be happy
Even if its not with you

Smile is a language of love,
Smile is a source to win heart,
Smile is a name of lovely mood,
Smile create greatness in personality
So keep smiling.

U may be out of my sight, but not out of my heart. U may be out of my reach, but not out of my mind. I may mean nothing to u, but U will always be special to me.

Can I say I love you today? If not, can I ask you again tomorrow? And the day after tomorrow? And the day after that? Coz I'll be loving you every single day of my life.

People say you only fall in love once, but when I hear your voice I fall in love all over again........

Love, knows no reason, knows no time, it has a sole intention of bringing people together to a time, called FOREVER..

love is as strong as death, 2 luv is 2 care, 2 luv is 2 die 4 whom u luv, i luv u with all my heart and mind, i ll always luv u, i cherish u.

One day u will ask me: what is more important to you, me or your life? i'll say: my life... you'll walk away from me without knowing that u r my life!!!

True love is like a powerful perfume because its difficult to hide.i can't deny truly loving you.i love you till i die!

love is a collection of heart, it’s kind, ready to give and share, it never ends or dies. it only reminds me that life isn't perfect without you. I love you!

its takes a day to get a crush on some 1 and its takes a day to love some 1 but its takes a life time to 4 get the love of some1,u are still very fresh in my memory**

Hi sweetie hope you morning is fine for me am okay just mad! my love for you kills even after we met last evening coz you hold the password to ma heart thx you good day..

I still love u!
Even though i know u don't think of me anymore
I should probably get over u
Because ur with her but i can't
U are all that i think about
You were my whole life
I can't get over you..
I love u so much
I know I should move on
I know i should just forget
But what we had was something totally special...
I love u regardless
And i always will
Love u!

To see love, look at moon..
To see beauty, look at nature..
To see light, look at sun..
To see hope, look at future..
But, i can see all of these by
…just looking at you…

Though i am missing u, cos i found that special girl and u are my sister, my strength and my bride and only God knows best that i love u!

Without Love -- dayz are
shatterday... so be in Luv everyday...
Wish u a Happy Valentine's Day

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